We understand the economic impact of arts and culture to mean specifically the benefit to the economy derived through employment within the cultural sector, export or sales of cultural goods and services, and activity within the cultural sector that has a broader commercial component or spin-off.

The summaries in this category are:

The relationship between arts and gentrification

This research was conducted by Carl Grodach at Queensland University of Technology, Australia and Nicole Foster and James Murdoch III at the University of Texas Arlington, USA


The fine arts, such as the performing arts, museums and art schools have long been considered to have a positive association with neighbourhood …

By | 20 July 2018 |

The impact of jazz festivals

This research was conducted by Emma Webster and George McKay at the University of East Anglia


The UK is home to an estimated 200 jazz festivals. In an assessment of the literature around these diverse events, this research highlights their manifold impacts: from catalysing economic growth through to expanding social …

By | 26 March 2018 |

The impact of e-books and hardcovers on the paperback market in Japan

This research was conducted by Sumiko Asai at the Meiji University Chiyoda-ku, Japan


This study analysed the economics behind best-selling paperback novels in Japan, and how sales are affected by other available formats such as hardcover and e-books. The longer the time lapse between the publication of hardcovers and paperback, …

By | 15 March 2018 |

Travel purpose and expenditure of tourists to Amsterdam

This research was conducted by Ruben van Loon and Jan Rouwendal at VU University Amsterdam, the Netherlands


This paper reports on the expenditure patterns of urban tourists by analysing Amsterdam visitor surveys between 2006 to 2011. The results show that most tourists who visit Amsterdam primarily visit for the city’s …

By | 5 March 2018 |

How European Capitals of Culture attempt to stimulate growth

This research was conducted by Greg Richards at Tilburg University, The Netherlands.


Event-led regeneration policies – and in particular the European Capital of Culture programme – have become popular elements of urban and economic policy. The paper reviews the history and development of the European Cultural Capital event, and …

By | 11 December 2014 |

Instilling innovation: an economic defence of arts and crafts

This research was conducted by Rex LaMore and eight others at Michigan State University, USA


This study examined the artistic experiences of many scientific and technological innovators. Arts education and training can foster one’s ability to innovate – which the authors refer to as 'creative capacity' – in an economically …

By | 22 April 2014 |

Successful cultural districts increase employment and income

This research was conducted by Douglas S. Noonan at Indiana University-Purdue University, USA


The paper takes a look at the impacts that ‘cultural districts’ had on their neighbourhoods, towns and cities. Specifically the research analysed data from 99 cultural districts in the US to examine whether cultural districts increased income, …

By | 11 April 2014 |

Calculating the economic value of a museum

This research was conducted by Timo Tohmo at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland


This study attempted to find the economic value of a museum to its local population. The museum in questions was the Museum of Central Finland in the town of Jyväskylä. The research used the economic techniques of …

By | 10 April 2014 |

The economic impact of music festivals is determined by size and location

This research was conducted by Melville Saayman and Andrea Saayman at North-West University, South Africa


This paper examined the economic impact of arts festivals in South Africa and found that the size of the economic impact was related to the size and location of the town hosting the event. This …

By | 10 April 2014 |

Salamanca, Capital of Culture 2002, generated an economic impact of €701.5m

This research was conducted by Luis César Herrero, José Ángel Sanz, María Devesa, Ana Bedate and María José del Barrio at the University of Valladolid, Spain


The paper analysed a range of data to calculate the economic impact of the European Capital of Culture coming to Salamanca in the Castilla …

By | 10 April 2014 |